Smart Matching

In this area you can create your filters by selecting the requirements of the desired profile. You can create as many filters as you want and apply them to both job offers and interview agendas.

By applying your filters to job offers, the system will advertise these job offer through automatic e-mail notifications to all participants on the platform that corresponds to the selected profiles.

By applying your filters to the interview agendas, the system will automatically send email invitations to the job interview to all participants on the platform that correspond to the selected profiles.

Il dato "Partecipanti matchati" non tiene in considerazione gli iscritti ad un singolo evento, ma di tutti gli iscritti in piattaforma. Per avere il dettaglio a livello di agenda si rimanda alla sezione "Gestione colloqui".
Il dato "Partecipanti matchati" è aggiornato al .

'Smart matching' filters created
Filter name Partecipanti matchati
No filters found.